Quantum Computing Threats and Encrypted Machine Learning


  • Johnson Mark Author


Quantum Computing, Cryptographic Vulnerabilities, Encrypted Machine Learning, Quantum-resistant Cryptography, Privacy-preserving Techniques


As quantum computing advances towards practical implementation, its potential to disrupt current cryptographic protocols raises significant concerns for secure machine learning systems. This paper explores the intersection of quantum computing and encrypted machine learning, examining the vulnerabilities posed by quantum algorithms to traditional encryption methods. We discuss the implications for privacy-preserving machine learning techniques, emphasizing the need for quantum-resistant cryptographic solutions. Additionally, we explore current strategies and emerging technologies aimed at mitigating these threats, ensuring the future resilience of encrypted machine learning in a quantum-powered era.




How to Cite

Quantum Computing Threats and Encrypted Machine Learning. (2023). International Journal of Business Management and Visuals, ISSN: 3006-2705, 6(2), 22-27. https://ijbmv.com/index.php/home/article/view/77

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